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Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Aug 7, 2020
Coffee is in My DNA
My favorite story was about Kaldi, the goatherder, who noticed how excited his goats became at night after munching on the coffee plant!

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Jun 27, 2020
Baking Bread During the Pandemic
On such a day, I find I'm eager to take time making bread over again; it feels nourishing to the soul. (

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Jun 5, 2020
American Cities on the Edge of Asphyxia
We are a long way away from days of healing, healthy debates and solution-driven planning. (

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
May 15, 2020
Glykerini with Lemon | ΓΛΥΚΕΡΙΝΗ ΜΕ ΛΕΜΟΝΙ
The day Maria Psoma Petridou gave me a copy of her book of personal essays, was the day I fell in love with her writing.

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Apr 29, 2020
Ten Insights Gained from Writing a Bilingual Memoir
In the course of completing my memoir, ultimately in two languages, ten discoveries came to light.

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Mar 30, 2020
Goodbye, Cleopatra
All cats are graceful, careful, and independent, but none more than Cleopatra.

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Apr 6, 2019
Writing the Personal Through Fiction and Nonfiction - #AWP2019
Three award-winning writers discuss the rewards and challenges of depicting culture, landscape, trauma, and family across genres.

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Mar 12, 2018
That Ticking Clock: The Handling of Time in Fiction, Poetry, and Nonfiction - #AWP2018
A panel of writers discussed the craft of shaping time and the unique relationship between narrator and reader.

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Feb 16, 2017
Looking Outward: Avoiding the Conventional Memoir - #AWP2017
But how do you tell a personal story when life doesn’t conform to that shape?

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Jan 21, 2017
Trouble Makers - Why I Marched on January 21, 2017
I emigrated to the USA in my late teens and settle in a kind, and generous country. I have a stake in keeping it moving forward.

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Jul 3, 2016
His Name is Abdul: A Greek Perspective
He is one of the lucky ones, fleeing the chaos of his embattled Syria. He is a refugee: a harsh word, filled with humiliation. Does it...

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Nov 30, 2015
In the Classroom: How Human Behavior Studies Aid the Memoirist
Human behavior studies have much to offer nonfiction writers.

Sophia Kouidou-Giles
Apr 11, 2015
The Stepmother Tongue: Crossing Languages in Creative Non-Fiction #AWP2015
What challenges do authors that work in a second language, English being primary, face in the creative process?
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